Tag Archive | "accessibility"

edUi Conference Wrap Up

This week I attended the edUi conference in Charlottesville, VA. The conference focuses on the universal methods and tools of user interface and interaction design as well as the unique challenges of producing websites and applications for large institutions. edUi is a perfect opportunity for web professionals at institutions of learning including: higher education, K-12 [...]

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CMS Accessibility Compliance Worksheet

This weekend, we had a question come in via Ask the Gurus wondering if we knew of any resources that rank content management systems according to their level of compliance to 508 accessibility standards. Accessibility being the great rainbow unicorn that it is, I was not aware of any list that had been put together [...]

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QA on Higher Education Web sites. How to do it and what to look for.

Running a web office I see a lot of sites, quality assurance is part of every minute of my day. Everything I see goes through the same quality checks otherwise we don’t launch it. Tools and people will come and go, quality on the other hand is the one thing in a web office that [...]

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Are you human? is CAPTCHA needed? Some Alternatives.

If you have ever filled out a form online you have probably encountered a CAPTCHA. They come in many shapes and sizes. I am going to detail methods I’ve used to block bots from taking advantage of forms and their pros and cons. If you use a technique that’s not below just comment, the more [...]

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Captioning your YouTube videos with CaptionTube

I’m an accessibility advocate and one thing thats been bothering me for a while was the lack of an easy way to caption videos uploaded to YouTube. They clearly explain they support closed captioning:

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Web Development: Progressive Enhancement - Part 1

I am starting a series of posts as an extension to my talk a few weeks ago on Web Standards and Accessibility. These posts will be dedicated to explaining how to make a habit of progressive enhancement instead of falling back on graceful degradation. It will also give you the tools to pass this on [...]

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Web Development Tools. What’s in your web toolbelt?

Regardless the programming language the ultimate goal is to spit out as clean, standard and accessible code as possible. I come from a programming background and love all the hard core optimization and am always looking for the best framework. But it doesn’t mean anything if what the browser and user see is sub optimal.

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Social Media Comes Last

There has been A LOT of discussion on Higher Education Blogs and at Higher Education conferences lately about this thing called Social Media. First of all Social Media isn’t all that complicated, in fact it’s the simplest and oldest form of marketing called relationship building.  As I’ve said many times before “social media = building [...]

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