Archive | recruitment

An Interview with Inigral CEO Director of Web MarketingStaton

You’d have to be living under a rock this morning to not hear the news that The Gates Foundation has invested in Inigral, the creators of Schools on Facebook. Why is this important? It’s the first time The Foundation has made an investment in a for profit company. And it happens to be a company [...]

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Why Less is More in College Admissions

Less is more. The idea that an admissions office shouldn’t try to appeal to ALL prospective students but rather focus on the RIGHT students - the ones that are the best fit for the institution - seems like a simple idea. Unfortunately, too many admissions offices out there still play the numbers game.

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What Colleges Can Learn From the Insane Clown Posse

True confession: When I was in high school, and up through college, I was near borderline obsessed with the Insane Clown Posse. Yes, I own the t-shirts. Yes, I’ve painted my face. Yes, I’ve been to the concerts and have been covered in soda. And though my musical tastes have shifted in more recent years, [...]

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Understanding Marketing Funnels and Conversion Activities

Last week I talked about the value of an applicant so this week I want to continue that conversation up the channel and identify items on a website that also have value tied to this process.  Let’s be honest the first thing that every school just like any other business has to understand is that [...]

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Exactly How Much Is An Applicant Worth To Your College or University?

People love the term ROI.  It’s such a sexy term, but quite frankly I think it’s something that is regularly ignored in the world of higher education web.  This could be partially due to the fact that it’s a term loved by people with MBAs. And let’s be honest, most web people went down another [...]

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E-Expectations: How to Focus Your Online Recruiting Efforts

Yesterday, Noel-Levitz released it’s latest E-Expectations Report about what college-bound students are looking for in terms of online engagement during the admissions process. They surveyed more than 1,000 high school students about their online behavior and expectations. As usual, it contained a wealth of information about where colleges should consider focusing their efforts. Here are [...]

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Higher Ed Headbutt: Engagement Vs. ROI

Running off of my previous post, Calculating Engagement: What Do They Want, the battle always arises: which is more important, engagement or ROI? The easy answer is, they’re equally relevant. However, often the former gets a bad rap due to the unusual amorphous nature that it takes and the lack of any solidly accepted structure [...]

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Travel Recruitment: Why the Web Matters

Admissions Offices usually plan their fall travel season during the summer, based on future recruitment and enrollment goals, establishing good connections with local high schools, or revisiting historically successful fairs. But - how often do recruiters and web/marketing offices meet before travel season begins? There’s a few reasons why your web/marketing team should reach out [...]

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Calculating Engagement: What Do They Want?

We’re all a flurry in our respective endeavours: creating dynamic content for our site, working on optimizing our text for search, creating opportunities for offline efforts to sync with online communities. But have we really stopped to consider how our target truly wants to receive content? How will we determine if what we created and [...]

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Organic Search: Make Their Efforts Work for You

As higher ed professionals, we learn to juggle many hats and tasks. Some wanted, some not. As we struggle to implement the latest social technologies and integrate personalized content, we may not have time to be well versed in SEO techniques or the importance of organic search. Why should we take the time to figure [...]

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