But I shake people’s hands when I am formally introduced to them. I’m making a personal impression. I want to engage them (for reals, yo). The way schools use e-cards is not personal, it’s borderline spammy, especially since this isn’t an introduction, it’s just one more email they get from us in the course of a year.
I would absolutely say, if you can do it well, then do. The equation does have a solution, several in fact, but I don’t believe many schools have what it takes to actually do it correctly (as Ms. Lomas mentioned, make it seriously good, or seriously funny). For every good holiday blast you show me, I’ll pull up ten that are just awful. Their audience would be better served other ways.
At least, that’s my position. I am open to being proven wrong here, but I have yet to see any stats that show either way.
By Director of Web Marketing
As I replied to you over Twitter when you mentioned the topic, don’t you think that holiday cards are like hand shakes (or milkshakes if there’s snow involved
? Kind of like social media, right?
I’ve seen really good creative holidays videos - true, not all are great - but if you can do it right, why wouldn’t you?
Just because, it’s the holidays?
Merry Christmas, Mr. Grinch ;0)