It has been a while since I’ve posted anything in the Social Survey series. Writing about using Social Networks for Higher Education has kind of taken a backseat to Analytics lately, but let’s see if we can’t combined the two into a web marketing gameplan? Way back in April Andrew Careaga wrote a post LinkedIn [...]
Continue reading...This is the first part in a series of solid web standards that I plan on writing. There is a lot of simple web standards, or things that I think should be standards, that people either do the hard way or don’t make their site as user friendly as possible. So either you know exactly [...]
Continue reading...We have just completed the third year that Wofford has had blogs on its website. The first year was about five students from different backgrounds around campus and at different stages in their Wofford experience. Last year saw us tweak this formula to include a few faculty and concentrate on first year student blogs instead [...]
Continue reading...Wofford’s commencement is this weekend and Phillip Stone’s From the Archive blog has posted quite a few interesting posts about commencement over the last week. One that I found really interesting was one about Commencement at Wofford in 1858. Man things have changed over the last 150 years, but what an interesting look at how [...]
Continue reading...I just wanted to share some quick data from a board of trustee’s committee presentation that I made yesterday. Two specific slides stood out as something I thought would be neat to share. (Click on the images for larger versions)
Continue reading...Ok so this was really launched last week, but most likely you wouldn’t have known unless I told you. So introducing the redesigned Wofford Newsroom!
Continue reading...Some really great finds and news this week. It’s amazing how I don’t try it but every week it comes out to just about 30 stories/websites/links.
Continue reading...I am definitely a people watcher and want to understand people better. What people like, how they think, and why they do what they do all fascinate me. I have an extremely eclectic music collection and listen to a little bit of everything because I want to understand why people like what they do. I [...]
Continue reading...In the last year we have put a lot of time and effort into creating a solid email marketing campaign. What has been so unbelievable about the campaign is the growing support that we have been receiving from various departments around campus. I’ll save it for another post to really look at the various departments and how [...]
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