Some really great finds and news this week. It’s amazing how I don’t try it but every week it comes out to just about 30 stories/websites/links.
Also I’m going to toot my own horn for a second. Wofford received a CASE disctrict III award this past week for Home Page Design and Implementation. It’s the second year in a row that our website has won a CASE III award so I’m really excited about that!
Time for the links.
- Zinch - Butler University - Brad Ward did an interview with the people at Zinch talking about college recruitment. Worth a read.
- SEO software you should start using! - This looks like a review of a promising piece of software for tracking your URLs. I’ve signed up and testing it now.
- How to Really Sell Social Media - Nice powerpoint presentation put together to help you convince the rest of your institution that Social Media does have marketing value.
- How Web 2.0 has changed Education - An analysis looking at how education was handled in the past and all the 2.0 tools that are available for students, teachers, and parents today.
- Obama Would Put A CTO In The Cabinet - Barack Obama plans to unveil his IT strategy, which will include making the job of federal chief technology officer a Cabinet-level position.
- Getting Healthy With Google - Google Health Pilot Program - Google today announced a pilot program (read: closed beta) of their health records application.
- AOL really kills Netscape this time - AOL releases its last Netscape update; prods users to switch to the Flock or Firefox browser. It’s finally time to say goodbye to something that doesn’t get the credit that it deserves. Netscape I appreciate what you have done for all of us!
- Video: Satellite Shoot-Down, Simulated (Updated) - The Navy has shot down a dying spy satellite. Now the question is: what happens to the debris?
- Web hosting now vs 10 years ago - How Has Web Hosting Changed in 10 Years? Not Very Much. Still an interesting study.
- 50 Questions to Evaluate the Quality of Your Website
- Free Your Media With DoubleTwist, a DRM Stripping App Anyone Can Use - Want to strip DRM from your audio. This tool supposedly makes it extremely easy.
- Keyword Research for Bloggers: A Comprehensive Guide - Good resource for getting into Keyword research. Five part guide and it looks like the value carries over beyond blogging.
- Newspond - New News aggregate. I don’t know how good their algorithms are but the site looks bangin’ good!
- Just How Much Traffic Can You Get From Social Media Websites? - I have been speaking to a couple of friends and looking at some of my client’ stats and have come up with a rough guide to how many unique visitors on average you can expect to get from a popular story on some of the top social tagging and news sites.
- Free Digg Friend Finder SEO Tool on Promote My Site -
This is a really neat tool that searches the Digg API to find new Digg friends
- Microsoft to give out development tools to students - Microsoft Corp unveiled a new initiative on Monday that will give college and high school students around the world free access to technology tools used to develop and…
- How-To Tuesday: Tracking Comments and Conversations - How to use to keep track of comments on blogs.
- BuzzShed: Where “Diggers” Go to Earn Cash? - Make money for watching and reviewing videos. Not really enough money to make it worthwhile, but still worth a share.
- : the social network IM client - Your friends are spread across a bunch of IM networks: Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Google, etc. but they are all on Facebook!
- How to Turn a Press Release into a Blog Article - This is a perfect article for a seasoned news veteran who is looking to get into blogging.
- Read what matters - AideRSS - An efficient way to get the news and posts that matter. PostRank will take an RSS feed and rank it. Really cool
- | what people are clicking on today - An amazing aggregate of what people are viewing today on the net.
- Blu-ray Xbox 360 Planned By Microsoft - Rumours were circulating today that Microsoft is set to dump HD DVD and bring out a Blu ray Xbox 360 by as early as May 2008.
- Twitxr - Like Twitter, With Pictures. Yeah, It’s Photoblogging. - Basically, it’s Twitter but allows picture uploads when sending a message (which makes it particularly useful for camera phones).
- Forget PowerPoint: 13 Online Presentation Apps - We’ve helped you find online word processors and spreadsheet apps, now it’s time for presentations. We’ve gathered up 13 online presentation creators to make it even easier for you to forget about doing anything offline ever again!
- Do you remember these Windows Systems? A nostalgic look at Windows. - This is a wonderful lookback at all the Windows releases. Wow we have come a long way.
- Google finds evil all over the Web - Google turned its Web-crawling technology loose to hunt down malware-serving pages and found 3 million, meaning about one out of every 1,000 pages is malicious
- Poor People Use Yahoo, Those Better Off Use Google - New data released by Hitwise yesterday shows that the difference between those using Yahoo and Google can be shown by the wealth of each user.
- 11 Things To Know About Semantic Web
- Internet helps Americans save more energy every year - For every kilowatt-hour of power that Internet-linked computers use, they save at least 10 times that amount, a recent study finds.
That’s it. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Glad you like out tool.
Check out the Backlink Pinger - even if you don’t find missing links (you will) you’ll really like the technology used.
Hi Kyle. Thank you so much for listing my Education 2.0 post on your Links of the Week. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it.
Congrats on the CASE award. Way to go, it’s so nice to see in-house projects getting their due recognition..
Congratulations on the Case award. Great post! I’m entering hour two poking around the sites. Nice work!
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I think you should come up with another one.
Great list some i knew already and some not
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