Anyone in higher ed dealing with web analytics should be pumped to attend this year’s Stamats Integrated Marketing: Technology Conference. Not only is it in Las Vegas, but Avinash Kaushik is one of the keynote speakers! If you nerd out over this stuff (like me) you’re surely already registered, booked and raring to go. October [...]
Continue reading...The .eduGuru team will host a Boston-area #edutweetup on Saturday, June 12 starting at 8pm. If you’ve been to an #edutweetup in the past, you know that they’re usually good fun and a great way to network with others in related fields. If you’ve never been to a tweetup and want to see what it’s [...]
Continue reading...I cursed on the Internet. My professional career is over. Let this be a lesson to all those little snots on social media that “everything you say and do on the Interwebs can be used against you in the nebulous future”.
Continue reading...Okay, I simply couldn’t resist tossing out a counterpoint here. This topic was started by Mark Greenfield (who was following up on a Steve Krug presentation) and continued here recently by my colleague Nikki. The reason that I want to run this from the other side is twofold: one, sometimes we just need a boost. [...]
Continue reading...To expand on my last post about continuing your web education, there are many specific things that you can leverage the web for to build your professional reputation and add to your resume. As people go about continuing their education, at some point everyone becomes an expert in something. What is important to remember is [...]
Continue reading...Obviously one of the benefits of working for a college is the ability to get free tuition to the school, but until you’ve taken advantage of that benefit I don’t think you can really understand that it is both a blessing and a curse.
Continue reading...The writers on this blog have recently put out some great content that indirectly was focused on individuals instead of tips to make your job easier. The leading indicators are that we have weathered the worst of this recession and things are beginning to turn upward. This doesn’t mean that people aren’t scared for their [...]
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