Tag Archive | "motivation"

Salary versus Autonomy

Tuesday, September 22,


Like many of you, I’ve read Director of Web Marketing’s Equal Pay for Equal Work post from a few weeks ago.  (It’s worth a look, if you haven’t read it.)  If we want to recruit experts, it would make sense that we may have to lure them in with expert-level pay.  (I’d add to this that depending [...]

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I’m Marching to My Own Tune. Better Get Used to It.

Thursday, December 4,


If you’ve read my posts on In Clear Text, you’ve already pegged me as some Bob Sutton fan-girl (among other things), but apparently were interested enough to keep reading me here on .eduGuru.  If I’m new to you, well, certain Nikki-isms are not apparent enough for me to worry about avoiding.  Win-win!

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