Tag Archive | "training"

Web Analytics for HelpDesks and Trainers

If some of you have been wondering if I have perhaps dropped off the face of the earth, wonder no more.  Between parenting responsibilities and accepting a new position within the my university, I have had my hands full.  But now that the dust has settled, I am finally able to get back on track [...]

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Best practices for training content contributors

The driving force of any web site is the content contributors, the people who know every detail of their department and hold the key to student success. These are the people you want publishing web content. What they have is value, the closer you can get them to the content creation process the better.

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Product Review: My Wishlist for the Lynda.com Academic Site License

Rather than spending time and money reinventing the wheel by creating Web-based tutorials for popular software titles only to sink more time and money into updating them with each subsequent version, schools can use a lynda.com academic site license to enable everyone on campus access to the entire lynda.com library of titles.

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What the Doctor Ordered: Training, Technology and Leadership

I’m not a doctor, but I like to play one in my current role as a Technology Training Coordinator.  I like present to our faculty and staff over MediaSite in costume as “Doctor Nikki”.  But no matter what role I’ve had: whether “Dr. Nikki” the trainer, Technology Trainingthe IT, or Technology Trainingthe leader, I realize [...]

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