Every time you send a message, you are telling your users how much you value them, because you’re asking them to put their time and energy into what you have to say. Yet all too often, colleges blast out emails without putting half a thought into it and then wonder why their users don’t respond. [...]
Continue reading...Preface: So Foundertells me its been a month since I’ve posted. I’ll be honest - between conferences/live blogging, guest bloggers/contests and new writers, I’ve kind of been sitting back and letting the madness settle. But to make up for it, here’s a nice little 1,000 word post on email marketing that I’m sure no [...]
Continue reading...The following is a guest post by Director of Web CommunicationA. Krywosa, Director of Web Communication at Suffolk University. Director of Web Communicationblogs at Viraligious© and you also connect with her through Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. This is the first of the .eduGuru Blogger(s) Search Contest.
Continue reading...So a few weeks ago I promised a .eduGuru shirt was coming soon and even tossed out a few lines for potential shirt quotes to let people vote on them. I’ve had a lot of fun building .eduGuru. I’m always trying to think of new ways to build this blog that is starting to becoming [...]
Continue reading...The following is a guest post by Paul Prewitt the Electronic Communications Coordinator at the University of Arkansas Alumni Association. Paul was kind enough to share the inside scoop on their Social Marketing efforts. You can contact Paul online at (www.draftmotif.org) or connect through twitter.
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