Tag Archive | "marketing manager"


Following the success of my post at eduWEB of Twitter’ers I decided to be a little proactive this time and started a discussion in the HighEdWeb Ning group asking who is on Twitter.  Who would have thought that it would be this successful?

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New Authors: Exciting additions to make this blog even more awesome!

So .eduGuru has completed seven months of service and it’s been an incredible journey.  I’ve been tossing the idea around about guest authors for a while and thinking of new was to expand the blog and today I’m excited to announce this blog is taking a new direction, afterall three heads are better than one!  [...]

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eduWEB Conferencehas kicked off and it’s already a whirlwind of awesomeness!  I’ll keep updating this post as they come in, but I’m trying to create a place for all the twitter names of everyone who’s at the conference.  It’s already been said multiple times we all need to wear our twitter name on [...]

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