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#heweb10 Photo Gallery of Poster Sessions

It’s hard choosing one of the five presentations that are going on at any one time at HighEdWeb.  It’s even harder when you have 26 poster sessions at a single time.  I tried to simplify that for myself and maybe it will help everyone else out too.

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#heweb10 - One Map to Rule Them All

For developers - maps are often overwhelming, very time consuming and under-appreciated. It doesn't have to be that way -- you can have a centralized map that is easily created and maintained.

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Kyle’s Google Analytics and SEO Presentations from HighEdWeb#heweb10

HighEdWebhas been an absolute blast as it is every year.  Instead of going into a detailed post I just wanted to post the updated versions of my two presentations.  For more information on each you can follow the links below for all the great blog articles and content related to each presentation.  (hint [...]

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#heweb10 - Evolution of Forms

TPR / 10:45am / Tuesday Alex Kingman, Purdue University Another great presentation from one of the guys from Purdue.  (Aside …last year was my first year at HighEdWeb — and I was the only one from my school;  the group from Purdue took me into their group and we hung out the entire conference. It [...]

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Don’t Make Me Tweet at #heweb10 – The Video

After last years Great Keynote Meltdown the HighEdWeb conference committee was very was in tough position to choose a keynote speaker for theconference.  They changed it up bringing back some of their best presentations from the past few years (thank you for choosing me to come back and represent with my Web Analytics [...]

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#heweb10 - HTML5 Design

There are 90 elements in HTML4 … amazing how much we have been able to accomplish wish so few building blocks. As we have grown and new needs have arisen - we have tried to write semantic code, using proper elements - but we really need more options! Introducing ... HTML5!

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#heweb10 - Progressive Personalization for Alumni-Driven Sites

Mark Heinan (@wyrdebeard) presented Carleton College’s approach to building a dynamic alumni web presence to encourage alumni involvement and engagement with the institution online. 

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#heweb10 - Wait … WordPress can do that??

APS / 4:15 pm / Monday Web ManagerRichwalsky, John Carroll University Jesse Lavery, Allegheny College Full house for this session — lots of people already using wordpress; lots of interest in role management, ldap auth, caching.

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#heweb10 - Providing More and Using Less with Caching

TPR / 3PM / Monday Jason Fish @jasondfish, Purdue University 800 visitors to your site at one moment in time… without caching …. means 800 database calls and returns of data.

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#heweb10 - “Hella Drop Shadow”: Presenting and Teaching in the Era of the Backchannel

Robin Smail (@robin2go), Patti Fantaske, and Lori Packer (@LoriPA) moderated an audience participation session discussing the ever-growing importance of the backchannel - conversation between audience members - in conferences and in the classroom. As the backchannel has moved into to Twitter and online, it has broken geophysical and time constraints - it spreads across the [...]

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