Archive | Video

A Quick Follow-up for Delaware the Musical

Four months of planning, choreography, writing orchestra parts, recording orchestra parts, incorporating ideas from prospective students, choir rehearsals, coordinating spaces and hundreds of students, meeting with alumni and faculty for inspiration, filming, editing, mixing, a HUGE on-campus release party, and 37,000+ hits later, Delaware: the MUSICAL is pecking its way through the depths of the [...]

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Delaware the Musical!

One of the most fun projects I’ve had the opportunity to work on since joining Fire Engine RED was the Junior & Sophomore Search project for the University of Delaware. I have been dying to write about this campaign since it started, but wanted to wait until it was complete to share it (others have [...]

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Can Video Chats be Useful in Recruitment?

April is an incredibly important month for Admission Offices around the country. There’s accepted student open houses, email campaigns, school swag to be mailed, and events across the country to convince top high school students that they should deposit to your school by May 1. What’s the point of all these increased marketing efforts? Sure, [...]

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[Results] Are Classes in Your Toolbox?

Towards the end of 2009, we started a new survey of higher ed web professionals to take a look at one potential way that you are using the resources around you. The question centered on a fairly simple, central concept: odds are that on your campus you have classes teaching the creation of different kinds [...]

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When advertising on Hulu (pre-roll ads) goes wrong

Advertising your institution on a number of sites via text, banner, or even pre-roll videos ads has become ever more popular as the shift from print to digital takes hold. There is one downside to this change though, loss of context control.

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Designing a Custom Flip Cam

How is this for great - one of the first things I got to do after being officially hired by Fire Engine RED was design and buy a Flip MinoHD to use at NACAC.  After conferring with Keith, a fellow new FER employee and a compatriot from an old job, I opted for one of [...]

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Don’t Forget to Vote for the eduStyle Awards!

Voting for the second annual eduStyle awards closes in just a couple of days, and we wanted to give you a reminder to drop by and vote!  Not only that, be sure to drop a checkmark down for .eduGuru for the best higher ed blog.  Just in case you need some more convincing though, I [...]

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Talkback: Trusting Your Users

First off, a special thanks to HighEdWeb and Cornell for having the .eduGuru team present virtually at their conference yesterday. It was a good time and a great experience getting to do something a little new and fancy with sharing our experiences with other people.  I certainly hope that we can expand on that [...]

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Captioning your YouTube videos with CaptionTube

I’m an accessibility advocate and one thing thats been bothering me for a while was the lack of an easy way to caption videos uploaded to YouTube. They clearly explain they support closed captioning:

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Following the success of my post at eduWEB of Twitter’ers I decided to be a little proactive this time and started a discussion in the HighEdWeb Ning group asking who is on Twitter.  Who would have thought that it would be this successful?

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