Tag Archive | "spam"

How Serious are XSS Threats for .edu’s?

Well, thanks to the keen eyes of fellow higher ed tweeter @gilzow for spotting the article, plenty of these guys could tell you just how frustrating XSS attacks can be.  There’s simply no avoiding the fact that the more dynamic and complex our higher ed sites get, the more prone we are to these exploits.  [...]

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Are you human? is CAPTCHA needed? Some Alternatives.

If you have ever filled out a form online you have probably encountered a CAPTCHA. They come in many shapes and sizes. I am going to detail methods I’ve used to block bots from taking advantage of forms and their pros and cons. If you use a technique that’s not below just comment, the more [...]

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Recappingand theGame Plan

It’s taken me a little longer than I would have liked to get around to it, but I very much believe in looking back to review the past year and setting goals going forward.  You do the same for your website and professional growth right?  If not or even if you do hopefully you can [...]

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Subject Line Customization: Too Much Like Spam?

Yesterday, I received an email from MoveOn.org that merged the name of the town I live in into the subject line.  I’ll admit, it got my attention, as it was the first email I can recall seeing with this type of customization.  But it didn’t necessarily catch my attention in a good way - I [...]

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E-mails, E-mails Everywhere and Not a One to Spam.

It was brought to my attention the other day that there are some concerns about e-mail addresses published on our college’s web site and the effect it has on spam.  It turns out the filters here run through about 10,000,000 emails a day, about 7% of which are passed on as being actual, legitimate messages.  [...]

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