Tag Archive | "support"

Want help? Ask the Gurus!

Okay, today marks the launch of an exciting new experiment - and hopefully permanent addition to the .eduGuru web site. We all have a lot of resources at our disposal in our day to day job, and we want you to consider us among them. So, to kick this off, note the new button in [...]

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3 Ways to Build Knowledge Base #FAIL

I’m not sure why you decided to read this.  Nobody sets out to fail, do they?  Maybe you just wanted something to read while you had your lunch today.  Or maybe you suspect I am being facetious.

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Teaching Them to Fish: Strategy for Implementing a Knowledge Base

In a previous post, I talked about how to start getting your internal knowledge into a knowledge base.  But just because you’ve built a knowledge base, doesn’t mean people will begin using it.  You need to ensure that content is maintained and that people know how to use it to find the information they need.

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Put a Fork In It, It’s Done

When do you kill off support for IE6?  As designers and coders, most of us probably wish we could have done it two or three years ago (or more).  On your own personal sites, or corporate type sites, you may have already cut the cord (many already have).  In reality, for many campuses ending support [...]

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