April is an incredibly important month for Admission Offices around the country. There’s accepted student open houses, email campaigns, school swag to be mailed, and events across the country to convince top high school students that they should deposit to your school by May 1. What’s the point of all these increased marketing efforts? Sure, [...]
Continue reading...How is this for great - one of the first things I got to do after being officially hired by Fire Engine RED was design and buy a Flip MinoHD to use at NACAC. After conferring with Keith, a fellow new FER employee and a compatriot from an old job, I opted for one of [...]
Continue reading...In this short article I’m going to attempt to explain the differences, advantages and struggles of using HTML5 in its current form. It has a lot to offer but browsers still have a little ways to go for fully fledged public adoption.
Continue reading...First off, a special thanks to HighEdWeb and Cornell for having the .eduGuru team present virtually at their conference yesterday. It was a good time and a great experience getting to do something a little new and fancy with sharing our experiences with other people. I certainly hope that we can expand on that technique [...]
Continue reading...Wofford College’s president, Dr. Benjamin Dunlap, was turned into an Internet sensation a few weeks ago when a video of his presentation at the TED conference from back in Marchwas posted online on January 24th. You can learn more about Dr. Dunlap on Wikipedia or Wofford’s President page. Here is the original Wofford press [...]
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