Inbound School Marketing Slides: Whipple Hill User Conference ’09

Today I presented at the Whipple Hill User Conference on Inbound School Marketing.  I wrote an introduction to the talk last week: It Doesn’t Matter What You Call It, An Inquiry Is A Lead.  The conference was my first dabble into the independent schools environment.  So far it has been an amazing experience meeting a whole new group of individuals with so many of the same challenges that Higher Education encounters.

Tomorrow two other prominent bloggers and speakers in the Higher Education space are speaking, Andrew Shaindlin and Web ManagerRichwalsky.  You know Andy from Alumni Futures and Web Managerfrom HighEdWebTech.  I’m looking forward to listening to their presentations and just might live blog one or both.

Inbound School Marketing Slides

So without making you read any more jibba jabba here are my slides from my presentation.

Inbound School Marketing
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4 Responses to “Inbound School Marketing Slides: Whipple Hill User Conference ’09”

  1. Says:

    Great Presentation Kyle. Loved the where to start list on slide 57. This is a great primer to inbound marketing for universities.

  2. Says:

    Great article & presentation, Kyle! I’ve added it to a social media reading list I’m working on for school admins.


  3. Says:

    Nice presentation and article! Great marketing strategy for universities.
    Thanks, Aditya

  4. Says:

    What a great article. I am bookmarking it.