I love Facebook Ads. They’re easy to set up, targeted, and give you free visibility among your audience, since you only pay for them when they click on the ad and go to your website/page/whatever you have set up. They’re also relatively easy to figure out your Return on Investment for using a few simple [...]
Continue reading...Hopefully, when I mention the words “branding” and “print” in the same sentence, every web developer out there reading this cringes. So, with that in mind, how many of you have web branding guidelines that grew from print standards? I hope the number is very few, but I suspect that there are a lot of [...]
Continue reading...One of the defining characteristics of Web 2.0 (and man, do I ever hate that phrase) is the new way in which conversations are taking place across the world wide webbleness. It’s not just a case of giving people the chance to make simple comments on a blog now - these days a blog might [...]
Continue reading...A couple of weeks ago I argued reasons why it might be more effective to piggyback on existing strategies that exist at your institution rather than create a stand alone social media strategy. In this post I alluded to considering your Facebook Fan Page like a Cafe, which was inspired by Chris Brogan’s post entitled, “Cafe-Shaped [...]
Continue reading...Yesterday I posted a case study showing how email marketing is still relevant to Young Alumni. Because it’s the day before Thanksgiving and it’s a little slow I’ve been doing a little more digging into that campaign. A little over a month ago Google Analytics launched some new features including Advanced Segments and Custom Reporting. [...]
Continue reading...One week from today, thePresidential election will finally come to a close. No matter who you vote for, it’s been a campaign of milestones. As an e-marketer, the most fascinating to me has been watching all of the emails coming out from either side. Comparing the two makes it clear why Obama has [...]
Continue reading...This is the first part in a series of solid web standards that I plan on writing. There is a lot of simple web standards, or things that I think should be standards, that people either do the hard way or don’t make their site as user friendly as possible. So either you know exactly [...]
Continue reading...Matt Herzberger and Brad Ward are the creators of a nice new website called Blog High Ed.
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