At the end of February, .eduGuru set out to begin another round of research on a trend in higher ed web development. This time, we took a look at the CMSs being used from school to school. Which CMS to use for a university is a question that lingers in forums and on mailing lists [...]
Continue reading...If there is one question that serves as the elephant in the room for higher education web development, it’s: “What CMS should I use?” The question is common, but not at all simple, and research data is not easy to come by. We would like to provide some helpful information in this area, and have [...]
Continue reading...The driving force of any web site is the content contributors, the people who know every detail of their department and hold the key to student success. These are the people you want publishing web content. What they have is value, the closer you can get them to the content creation process the better.
Continue reading...Last week I was contacted by @lisakribs about a new piece of software her company is developing called MobileEducator, designed for colleges and universities to enable low cost entry into the mobile arena. The software looked fairly neat, and I thought it might be something that plenty of our readers might see value in, so [...]
Continue reading...Something that gets overlooked quite a bit in the web process is the content you don’t control, your faculty. Faculty are an intricate part of every university and essential to any graduate student, especially Ph.D. looking for a program. Promoting your faculty can be almost as important as promoting your programs.
Continue reading...If you have ever filled out a form online you have probably encountered a CAPTCHA. They come in many shapes and sizes. I am going to detail methods I’ve used to block bots from taking advantage of forms and their pros and cons. If you use a technique that’s not below just comment, the more [...]
Continue reading...A large majority (I hope) of university sites are using a content management system to control the thousands of pages which make up a single university web presence. I am willing to guess that multiple people are editing the content on those pages and they are using some sort of WYSIWYG editor.
Continue reading...Several days ago (or more, seeing how long it actually took me to get this finished, whoopsie), Twitter user @stomer brought up a question to the Twitterverse regarding a common tool we use any time we work in social media these days: “This a fair description?: categories are like table of contents items, tags are [...]
Continue reading...Raise your hand if you see your budget on the chopping block for next year. The current topic de jour has been how so many school’s are being asked to do more with less. Budget crises from state to state have everyone scrambling to find ways to cut corners, and trim fat. Some people are [...]
Continue reading...I’m presenting a free Webinar this Wednesday at 2 p.m. ET in conjunction with the folks at OmniUpdate to talk about a project we’ve been doing for first year students for the last two years in our portal, Luminis. We recently started using OmniUpdate within Luminis, which has made the content management aspect of this [...]
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